sign in

p.petaus.56 = HGV P.Petaus 56 = Trismegistos 8824 = michigan.apis.3005

DDbDP transcription: p.petaus.56 [xml]

AD 186/7 Ptolemais Hormou

[Ἀπ]ολλω[τᾷ] σ̣τ̣[ρα(τηγῷ)]
[Ἀρσ]ι̣(νοίτου) [Ἡρακ(λείδου) μερίδος]
παρ[ὰ Πεταῦτος κ]ω-
μογρα(μματέως) Πτο[λεμ(αίδος) Ὅρμου]
5καὶ ἄλλων κ[ωμῶν].
αἰτουμεν(*) ὑ[πὸ σοῦ ὄνο(μα)]
ἀντὶ Σαραπί[ω(νος)] Ἀπ[ολ-]
λωνίου διγμ̣ατο(*)( ) [Πτολ(εμαίδος)]
10δίδομει(*) τὸν ὑπογεγρα(μμένον)
εὔπορον καὶ ἐπ[ι]τήδ[ειον].
ἔστ̣ι̣ δέ·
Ἥρω̣ν̣ Ἡρα̣[κλ]ε̣ί̣δ̣[ου]
μητρ[ὸς] Δ̣ι̣[⁦ -ca.?- ⁩]
15⁦ vac. ? ⁩
15(ἔτους) κζ Μάρκου Αὐρηλίου
Κομμόδου Ἀντ[ων]είν[ο]υ
Καίσαρος [το]ῦ κ[υρίου ⁦ -ca.?- ⁩]


^ 6. l. αἰτούμεν<ος>
^ 8. l. δειγματο
^ 10. l. δίδωμι

Editorial History; All History; (detailed)

Creative Commons License © Duke Databank of Documentary Papyri. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.

APIS Translation (English)

"To Apollotas, the strategos of the Herakleides meris of the Arsinoite nome, from Petaus, the village scribe of Ptolemaios Hormou and other villages.;Upon the request from you, that a person be brought forward as a replacement for Sarapion, son of Apollonios, the deliverer of grain samples from Ptolemaios Hormou, I suggest the following person who has a significant fortune and is well suited. His name is: Heron, son of Herakleides, mother Di[ .;In year 27 of Marcus Aurelius Commodus Antoninus Caesar, our Lord . . ."