sign in

p.oxy.10.1254 = HGV P.Oxy. 10 1254 = Trismegistos 21792 = oxford-ipap.apis.1788

DDbDP transcription: p.oxy.10.1254 [xml]

AD 260 Oxy<Kynopolite

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
1[Αὐ]ρ̣ή̣λ̣ι̣[ο]ς Ἱέραξ [ὁ κα]ὶ [Δίδυμος στρα(τηγὸς) Κυνοπ(ολίτου)]
τοῦ δοθέντος μο̣[ι προσαγγέλματος]
ὑ̣π̣ὸ̣ κωμαρχῶν κώμ[ης Τερύ]θ̣ε̣[ως](*)
εἰσδιδόντων τὸν ἑξῆς ἐ̣γ̣γ̣ε̣γ̣ρ̣α̣μ̣μένον
5εἰς δειγματοκαταγωγίαν τοῦ καταγο-
μένου εἰς τὴν λαμπροτάτην Ἀλεξ[ά]ν-
δρειαν δημοσίου πυροῦ ἴσον
δημοσίᾳ πρόκιται, ἵνα πάντες
εἰδῶσι καὶ ὁ(*) ἀναδοθεὶς ἔχηται
10τῶν ἐνκεχειρισμένων.
(ἔτους) α τῶν κυρίων ἡμῶν Μακριανοῦ
καὶ Κυήτου Εὐσεβῶν Εὐτυχῶν
Σεβαστῶν Χοίακ α.
(hand 2) Αὐρηλίῳ Ἱέρακι τῷ καὶ Διδύμωι
15στρατηγῶι Κυνοπολείτου
παρὰ Αὐρηλίων Σιλβανοῦ Πα-
νετβαύιος καὶ Μεγ’χέως Θέωνος
ἀμφοτέρων κωμαρχῶν κώμης Τ̣ε̣ρ̣ύ̣(*)-
θεως τοῦ ἐνεστῶτος α (ἔτους).
20εἰς διγματοκαταγωγίαν(*) δημοσίου
πυροῦ καταγομένου εἰς τὴν λαμ-
προτάτην Ἀλεξάνδριαν
δίδομεν τὸν ὑπογεγραμμένον ὄντα
εὔπορον καὶ ἐπιτήδιον(*) τῷ ἡμῶν
25κινδύνῳ Αὐρήλιον
Πέτρον ἐγ’(*) μητρὸς Ταύριος
ὡς (ἐτῶν) λ ἔχο(ντα) πόρ(ον) (δραχμὰς) φ.
(ἔτους) α Αὐτοκρατόρων Καισάρων Τίτου Φουλουίου
Ἰουνίου Μακριανοῦ καὶ Τίτου Ιουλουίου(*) Ἰουνίου Κυήτου
30Εὐσεβῶν Εὐτυχῶν Σεβαστῶν Χοί[ακ] α.
(hand 3) Αὐρήλιοι Σιλβανὸς καὶ Μενχ[ῆς]
ἐπιδεδώκαμεν. ἐγὼ δὲ [ὁ] Σιλ-
βανὸς ἔγρα(ψα) ὑπ(ὲρ) τοῦ Μενχέ̣[ως]
γρά(μματα) μὴ ἰδότος(*).


^ 3. P.Oxy. 12.1507 descriptum : [  ̣ρύ]θ̣ε̣[ως] prev. ed.
^ 9. corr. ex οι
^ 17. μεγ’χεωσ papyrus
^ 18. P.Oxy. 12.1507 descriptum :   ̣ρ̣ύ̣ prev. ed.
^ 20. l. δειγματοκαταγωγίαν
^ 24. l. ἐπιτήδειον
^ 26. l. ἐκ : εγ’ papyrus
^ 29. l. Φουλουίου
^ 34. l. εἰδότος

Editorial History; All History; (detailed)

Creative Commons License © Duke Databank of Documentary Papyri. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.

HGV 21792 Translation (English) [xml]

(Translation: Adapted from P.Oxy. 10)
1  (hand 1) From Aurelius Hierax also called Didymos, strategos of the Kynopolite nome. A copy of the memorandum handed to me by the komarchs of the village of Terythis,
4  presenting the person named below for the conveyance of samples of the wheat belonging to the State which is being conveyed to the most illustrious Alexandria, is publicly exhibited, in order that everyone may know and the person nominated may enter on his duties.
11 The 1st year of our lords Macrianus and Quietus Pii Felices Augusti, Choiak 1.
14  (hand 2) To Aurelius Hierax also called Didymos, strategos of the Kynopolite nome, from Aurelius Silvanus son of Panetbauis and Aurelius Menches son of Theon, both komarchs of the village of Terythis for the present 1st year. 20 For the conveyance of samples of the wheat belonging to the State which is being conveyed to the most illustrious Alexandria we present the undermentioned person, being a man of means and suitable, at our own 25 risk: Aurelius Petrus, whose mother is Tauris, aged about 30, having property worth 500 drachmae.
28 Year 1 of the Imperatores Caesares Titus Fluvius Iunius Macrianus and Titus Fulvius Iunius Quietus, Pii Felices Augusti, Choiak 1.
31 (hand 3) We, Aurelioi Silvanus and Menches submitted. But I Silvanus wrote on behalf of Menches, as he does not know letters.