sign in

p.lond.4.1341 = HGV P.Lond. 4 1341 = Trismegistos 19799

DDbDP transcription: p.lond.4.1341 [xml]

AD 709 Aphrodito, Aphroditopolis

[ἐν ὀνόματι τοῦ Θεοῦ Κόρρα υἱὸς Σζεριχ σύμβουλος]
[Βασιλείῳ διοι]κ̣η̣τῇ κώμης Ἀφροδιτὼ ἕνδεκα
[ἀρίθμια νομίσματ]α̣ ἐτάξαμεν διὰ τῆς διοικήσεώς σου
[λόγῳ μισθοῦ (καὶ) δαπάν]ης πρίστου ὀνόματος ἑνὸς ὄντος εἰς τὸ κάτεργον
5[μασγιδα Δαμασκο]ῦ μηνῶν ἓξ’ ἐπὶ τῆς παρούσης
[ἰνδικτίονος] ὀγδόης καὶ τὰ τούτων
[ἐντάγια ποιήσαντες] τ[οῖς] τῶν χ[ω]ρίων ἐπέμψαμέν σοι.
[δεχόμενος οὖν τὰ] παρόντα γρ[άμμ]ατα πρὸς τὴν δύναμιν
[τῶν ἐνταγίων τὸ τ]οιοῦτο χρυσίο̣[ν] ἄ̣ν̣υ̣σον(*) καὶ πέμψον
10[πρὸς ἡμᾶς λόγῳ μ]ισθοῦ καὶ δαπάνης τοῦ αὐτοῦ τεχνίτο\υ/. ἐγρ(άφη) μη(νὸς) Ἁθὺ(ρ) ζ ἰ(νδικτίονος) η
[Κόρρα υἱὸς Σζεριχ σύμβο]υλ(ος) Βασιλεί[ῳ διοικ(ητῇ) κώμη(ς) Ἀφροδ(ιτώ)]
(perpendicular) †̣ μ(ηνὸς) Χοιὰ(κ) κ ἰ(ν)δ(ικτίονος) η ἠνήχ(θη)(*) δ(ιὰ) Μαρία(*) πι(στικοῦ) (πε)ρ(ὶ) νο(μισμάτων) ια (ὑπὲρ) μισ[θ(οῦ) (καὶ) δαπά(νης) πρίστ(ου)]


^ r.5. εξ’ papyrus
^ r.9. BL 3.97 : [αὐτῶν ἄνυσον τὸ τ]οιοῦτο χρυσίο̣[υ] π̣ό̣σον prev. ed.
^ v.12. l. ἠνέχ(θη)
^ v.12. μα̣ρια(νοῦ) prev. ed.

Editorial History; All History; (detailed)

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HGV 19799 Translation (English) [xml]


1  In the name of God. Qurrah, etc. We have apportioned to your administrative district 11 nominal solidi for the wages and supplies of a sawyer — 1 person — intended for the work at the mosque of Damascus for 6 months in the present 8th indiction, and having made out the demand notes for these to the people of the separate places, we have sent them to you. 8  On receiving the present letter, therefore, in accordance with the powers given by them, collect the said quota of money and send it to us for the wages and supplies of the said skilled workman. Written the 7th Hathyr, 8th ind.


11  20th Choiach, 8th ind. Brought by Mary the supercargo (?); concerning 11 solidi for the wages and supplies of a sawyer. (Translation: H.I. Bell, Translations of the Greek Aphrodito Papyri (1911) 274)