sign in

p.berl.leihg.1.13 = HGV P.Berl. Leihg. 1 13 = Trismegistos 10193

DDbDP transcription: p.berl.leihg.1.13 [xml]

II spc? Theadelphia


I (jcowey) have designated the two columns as columns 1 and 2, which corresponds to what Svensson and Kalèn refer to on p. 152 of the publication. For column one I have distributed the text slightly differently from what was to be found in the introduction to the text. There the line numbering was made in relation to the numbering of the lines in column 2. ἐδάφη was printed as 8/9 ]ἐδάφη, because it is opposite the vacat between lines 8 and 9 of column 2. The text of column 1 may have been divided into sections in the same way as in column 2 and there may have been vacats between such sections. Whether exactly 5 lines missing are missing at the beginning of column 1 cannot be determined with certainty. It remains a guess.

col 1
[5 lines missing]
6 [⁦ -ca.?- ⁩ ]κλείδο(υ)
[1 line missing]
8[⁦ -ca.?- ⁩ ὑδρα]γωγός
[⁦ -ca.?- ⁩] ἐδάφη
10[⁦ -ca.?- ⁩ κ]α̣ὶ̣ ἡ ἑξῆς
[εἰσαγομένη σφραγίς ⁦ -ca.?- ⁩]
[1 line missing]
13[⁦ -ca.?- ⁩] κατοι(κικῆς) (ἄρουραι) β
[⁦ -ca.?- ⁩ τῆ]ς̣ σφρα(γῖδος) ὧν
15[⁦ -ca.?- ⁩ καὶ ἐπί τι μ]έρος χέρσ(ος).
col 2
γί(τονες)(*) νότου ⁦ -ca.?- ⁩ καὶ ἐπί τι μέρος ὁδός, βορρᾶ ενδεδ(  ),
ἀπηλιώτου χέρσος ὑπόλογος, λιβὸς ὁδός.
⁦ vac. 1 line⁩
νότου τούτων ἀνὰ μέσον ὄντων τῶν προισηγμένω(ν)(*)
Διονυσοδωριανῆς οὐσίας (ἄρουραι) β η ιϛ τελοῦσαι ἀνὰ
5πυροῦ (ἀρτάβης) ζ κ ρκ, κριιθ(ῆς)(*) (ἀρτάβας) ε ι τ διὰ γεωργοῦ Πεκύσεω[ς]
Σαταβοῦτος καὶ μετόχων· γί(τονες)(*) νό(του) πεδιακὴ ὁδός,
βορρᾶ ὑδραγωγὸς καὶ ἡ ἐπάνω σφρα(γίς), ἀπηλιώτου
ὑδρα(γωγὸς) καὶ χέρσος, λιβὸς ποτίστρα.
⁦ vac. 1 line⁩
νότου καὶ ἀπηλιώτου (τούτων) ἀνὰ μέσον οὔσης διώρυχος
10βασιλικῆς γῆς (ἄρουραι) β τελοῦσαι ἀνὰ πυροῦ (ἀρτάβας) β, ὧν
διὰ Ἀρέου Φιλίππου (ἄρουρα) α καὶ διὰ Πανεσνέως Ὀννώ-
φρεως τετελευτηκ(ότος) διὰ Πανεσνέως Σαμβᾶ (ἄρουρα) α, (γίνονται) αἱ π(ροκείμεναι)·
γί(τονες)(*) νό(του) ποτίστρα, βορρᾶ διῶρυξ καὶ ἐπί τι μέρος ὁδός, ἀπηλ(ιώτου)
ὁδός, λιβὸς διῶρυξ Μοντίλα ἐν (ᾗ) καιλωνοστάσια(*) β.
⁦ vac. 1 line⁩
15νότου (τούτων) ἀνὰ μέσον οὔσης διώρυχος Μοντίλα λεγο(μένης)
Διονυσοδωρι(ανῆς) οὐσίας διʼ ἐπιτηρητῶν ἀπὸ τῶν ἐπάνω


^ 2.1. l. γεί(τονες)
^ 2.3. l. προεισηγμένω(ν)
^ 2.5. l. κριθ(ῆς)
^ 2.6. l. γεί(τονες)
^ 2.13. l. γεί(τονες)
^ 2.14. l. κηλωνοστάσια

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